Ageing Well


Ageing well means having the best physical and mental health possible.

Some tips to maximize your chances of ageing well are:


Keep physically active: aim for 30-60 minutes of moderate intensity activity each day. This means working hard enough to get a bit puffed but you can still talk. This reduces your risk of heart disease and dementia and can also improve anxiety and depression.

Don't smoke

Don’t smoke

Keep your brain active

Keep your brain active by learning new things: this helps prevent dementia

Be socially active

Be socially active: This is important for your physical and mental health as well as being a form of mental stimulation that helps prevent dementia.

Balanced diet

Eat a varied and balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables, and limit alcohol to no more than 2 standard drinks per day.

Have an optimistic outlook

Have an optimistic outlook

There are many support services available in the community to help you live well at home and these can be accessed via the My Aged Care website.

There are two main options for services in the home:

  1. Basic help at home, for those that need one or two services, available through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
  2. Complex help at home, for those who need multiple services, available as a Home Care Package (HCP).

To access Australian Government subsidised aged care services in the home , you need to register with My Aged Care.

We will refer you for an assessment and help you navigate services to maintain your independence and access the community.

You will find useful information at the Stay Connected Website.

Suite 24, Level 3
22 Darley Road
Manly NSW 2095

Fax: (02) 9976 6055

Mon - Thurs: 9 am - 4 pm
Fridays: 9 am - 3 pm


© 2021- Dr Margaret Beazley

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